Toll Free Number

Toll Free Number


More calls. More revenue
Increase business 30% more with a Toll Free Number
No charge on the caller’s end are known as toll free numbers. Toll Free number is a powerful and effective business tool for businesses and organizations. Businesses or organizations have to subscribe to for toll free number service and they are charged for incoming calls customers, on the other hand, for the customers making calls is free of cost.
Customer’s perspective
Toll Free Numbers infer that calls are free of charge. Along with that, it also invites a feel that the business is reliable, credible, and professional.
Business owner’s perspective
Businesses need a way to help their customers get in touch with them and a toll free number does exactly that.


Easy CRM Integration

Integrate your toll free number with leading CRM softwares and automatically add customer data.

Real Time Analytics Dashboard

Access call logs in real time, hear call recordings to draw valuable business insights with a customizable data dashboard.


AI Driven Auto Keyword Analysis

Artificial intelligence layered toll free solutions can search for keywords to determine the nature of the conversation and caller sentiment to increase customer traction

Set Call Duration

Set an average call duration to auto disconnect incoming calls on the toll free number thereby reducing your telecom operator bills.


Whitelist & Blacklist

Set caller preference, alternately, prevent misuse by blocking unwarranted callers.

Auto Call Routing

Handle large call volumes, configure call timings akin to your working hours and direct calls to your personal number.